I have recently completed a brand spankin' new character demo reel!
Check it out and lemme know what you think!
I'm also very happy to say that I will be attending this year's San Diego Comic-Con! I have my four day pass and hotel reservations all taken care of, but I haven't quite been able to finalize my travel plans yet. Thankfully I've still got a few months to work everything out. Hopefully, if all goes well and I don't have to cancel my plans, I'll be seeing some of you guys there.
I have several upcoming voice acting appearances, as well. I'll mention a few here...
I'll be starring as a major antagonist in the Echo Force Zero series, created by Red Harvest. The character goes by the name Rush Ranger, and is an insane and degenerate, yet classy sort of bloke. Featured in the series are many of my good pals (D-Mac, Omahdon, Baugusbryson, Seymour, Shock-Dingo, Tomamoto, and Hnilmik, you guys are the best <3), so I'm very excited to join them in the second installment and beyond!
Boybogart has a flash in the works where I star alongside the delightfully smooth and sensual Ricepirate, in which we play a pair of IQ deficient drunks. Tyler has cast me as an elderly gentleman in an upcoming pilot of his! Xiphon also has an upcoming flash where I get to play a very hammy, American protagonist, opposite my good friend Motley Fool, who plays a very hammy, French antagonist.
Think that about does it. I'll shut my yap now.
I'm going to be honest with you, Echo Force Zero isn't good or groundbreaking at all. (And this is from someone who loved Madness Heist.)
As long as I had fun playing the role, who cares? :v And that's only one opinion.