So glad to see a new episode!
I like that you chose to include the show's hiatus as a plot point, during which time Cage and Alice no longer received cocaine and thus lead dull lives not worthy of new episodes. But despite being sober since the last episode in 2008, a few lines of cocaine later and they're just as insane and degenerate as they were before. Hell of a drug, indeed...
The plot of this episode was grand. I always love the inclusion of the Gerbils and the Rabbits, and it was a delight to see both of them included here. The revolutionary finger coming to life via Cage's delusions, and Cage's glorious, schizophrenic ascent to supreme leader of Rodentdom was a joy to watch. Of course, this episode was every bit as depraved and violent as we've come to expect from this series over the years. Alice giving head to a severed finger could possibly be some of the sickest imagery we've seen from this show.
All in all, Rats on Cocaine is back in fine form! This may even be the best Rats on Cocaine yet.